Thursday, September 2, 2010


I feel like I have some of the weirdest in-laws on the planet. I know I don't but as is common with any group you are forced to get along with and be cordial to I see them far too often.

First off they enjoy working, and I mean working hard and there is something to be said about that but the down side is they never stop. When they are finished with one project they create new absurd projects so they have something else to be working on. I should have know early on to expect some of this when I visited their house and discovered they had 3 shed's. There are only two of them living there (roughly 2500 sq ft home) and they have a full basement and attic. What are we storing?

They have built a back deck, a gazebo off the back deck, a deck off the upstairs off the back of the kitchen (because walking down to use the grill was too far). Then they decided that once they put the table and chairs out on the deck upstairs with the grill there wasn't enough room to hang out. And we cant have that, no one ever comes to visit so when they do we sure wouldn't want them to feel close to each other on the back porch. So now they've built an 8 foot extension on the deck upstairs so there are roughly 300sq ft of deck space elevated 20ft in the air so they can grill and eat out side once a summer. They literally have 2000 sq ft of exterior deck space and when asked last weekend hows the gazebo was told. We haven't used it for two years. . . WHAT?

They have also painted the whole house interior at least 3-4 times in 10 years. The last time they did such a terrible job selecting colors (wouldn't want to ask your graphics-art-minor-son-in-law if colors match). The kitchen colors instantly induced nausea and not the mild that doesn't look good kind I mean, wow this is my 10th tequila shot feeling. For some insane reason the kitchen was a green (a Tums color chalky green) and pink (pepto pink) with Gray cabinets. . . they painted the cabinets themselves, one because they dont make grey cabinets this ugly for a reason and two because its hard work so might as well torture yourself while creating a masterpiece of ugliness. Don't ever get me started on cabinets, the job we started with them on our old house almost ended my marriage and in retrospect maybe should have sent me packing or at least suggesting we move far away.

Hard workers are great they are what got this country where it is but hard work with no one at the steering wheel gets out of hand. Lucky for us when they get really bored and want to see their daughter they offer to do stuff around our house. I don't think I could get my parents to cut the grass if it were 2 feet tall (i wouldn't ask them in the first place and they enjoy relaxing and know how to do it). Her parents would offer even if I just finished cutting it. Now some would say "man you got it made", "jump on it", "that's awesome", etc. Those people have not experienced it.

What makes things better is once they do something for you it's like you owe them.Nothing really they just act like you owe them something but never ask for anything just mention every visit. "Since we painted your nursery, can you move some bricks for me." Your 80 years old, i'll move them because your my father-in-law and its not a big deal but bringing up what you did for me makes me wanna tell you to f off. Since my parents raised me much better than that I bite my tongue and move on to brick relocation.

Even as I type this i'm actually working later than I have in 2-3 weeks to avoid them. When I do get home I'll go chainsaw some branches that are in the back yard in 98 degree heat (risking life and limb) to avoid sitting in an air conditioned room with a paint fume buzz around those two.

Ugh. I think I just gagged.

Happy Thursday folks. Baby is due in 11 days and Doc says he'd expect to see her go into labor next Thursday or Friday. Which works perfect since i'm still hoping to make it to Fed Ex field and back to watch the Hokies play Boise State. Happy Labor day weekend!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Nursery Windows

Today we're having new windows from Home Depot installed on two sides of the house. Nursery will have two new windows (nursery is in the back corner of the house) one in our bed room and one in the bathroom. These windows are $666 each a little less for the bathroom since it's smaller. Additionally they have since implemented some new laws around handling of lead paint so we have to pay an extra $34 per window for some extra process to prevent lead paint from flying everywhere.

Haven't been up there yet but just learned one of the windows shipped is too big. (three windows are the same size but some how we got one too big) Nursery will be complete but our bedroom will not. . . . nothing ever happens as planned.

On the flip side the tree guy showed up and is gonna take down a dead branch for us that we've been wanting to get removed.

We went with the Home Depot windows because they come with a double life time warranty and I expect Home Depot will be around for a long time and it should be easier to get replacements if needed. They also did all the windows downstairs and ended up being only a little more than others as far as cost.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tonight we're going to do a plaster mold of my wife's belly, some may think it's kinda weird but I think it'll be pretty cool. Baby is 37 weeks and 3 days today and based on the size she could be ready any time so we better knock it out tonight or we may miss our opportunity.

We're mid process of refinancing our home to a 20 year loan (vs the current two loans; 80% for 30 years and 15% for 15 years with a ballon payment at the end) and with guidlines so tight these days it has not been easy. My wife and I both have excellent credit scores (over 700) our DTI is also great but even still we have to provide all kinds of info. Funny how 5 years ago they wanted to give us twice as much money with half as much proof. Which explains why the nation is in the trouble it is but that's a long story. Hoepfully we'll get it paid off by the time our daughter is starting college. That would be awesome.

Also signing up to donate our cord blood to a public facility. Private is pricey and since we dont know too much about the benefits, we're going public in hopes we'll get someone else's if ever needed. I'm sure with the medecal advances being made our cord blood will help out someone in need.

Speaking of blood, I gave blood for the first time ever last week. Got light headed at the end but I think I was squeezing the sponge too much which makes the blood flyout into the bag with speed so I was only there for 5 minutes and they had a full bag.

Quick post to get the ball rolling.
Blog post: Discovered my wife has PUPPP this week, I’m thinking we’ll try Dandelion Root next but read this article in the Dermatologist Online Journal and we’re going to try this ointment/cream first. if no success here then we’ll be at GNC on Monday.

Hearing a lot about the Dandelion Root, all over the web and it seems to be the only thing that gets rid of it.

Our Dr. assured us it’s not going away but I’m trying to prove him wrong . . . and save my own sanity (and wife’s of course).

Ok so I've learned some things since my post yesterday. Fluticasone propionate lotion .05% is almost $400 for 60 ml's, about two shot glasses full, and there is no generic. So we talked to our Dr and a Pharmacist friend and Triamcinolone .1% is a similar drug that should have similar effects though not mentioned in the study and is $5.50 after insurance for the same 60 ml size bottle.

Yesterday we picked it up along with Pine Tar Soap (mentioned on several blogs to help). While in the pharmacy waiting Beth told me she felt like crying and wanted to tear all her skin off (not good) so we also went and picked up the Dandelion Root from GNC. GNC sales lady was hesitant to provide to us as she could see Beth was pregnant and made us promise to as our Dr. first, as if we didn’t already plan that. Then she was also nice enough to tell Beth she looked bigger than someone 32 weeks pregnant. Luckily we escaped without incident and the old woman was not harmed.

Arrived back home and applied the lotion at 6:30pm ish. It seemed to provide some immediate relief; she did not itch as much and said it made things more tolerable. Before bed (10pm ish) she took a cool shower with Pine Tar Soap (PTS) allowing the PTS to sit on her skin for a few min before rinsing. Then dried off and applied another coat of lotion and took a Zyrtec before bed (had previously been taking Claritin once a day but Dr. suggested switching to Zyrtec in case her body grew used to Claritin and resisted its effects).

I took a Dandelion Root capsule and plan to shower with the PTS so I can see how these things affect me.

I woke up a few times which does not normally happen and heard her snoring and celebrated quietly making sure not to make any noise or movement that may wake her. She only woke up three times all night, which is big improvement from the past few nights. First time went right back to sleep, second time used restroom and felt a little itchy so she applied Extra Strength Gold Bond Powder and went back to bed. Third time for bathroom again. Prior to PUPPP she was getting up 2-3 times a night for bathroom breaks.

This morning the Rash appears brighter and worse but she doesn’t think it itches as bad. She could be getting used to the feeling or it could actually be getting better, time will tell. She showered with PTS allowing it to sit on her skin for a couple minutes (2 at best) before rinsing and then applied the Triamcinolone .1% lotion again. We did observe that the rash does not appear in her actual arm pit where she applies antiperspirant (she uses a Secret Clinical strength – available over counter). She joked that if things keep up she may start applying the antiperspirant to her entire body . . . there could be something to that.

In the rush to get out the house I forgot to take a Dandelion Root capsule but will get one at lunch.

We’re canceling our trip to Philly for the weekend to concentrate on getting Beth better. Three applications of lotion a day along with two Pine Tar showers and the usual powdering don’t seem feasible for a fun road trip which includes a Phillies baseball game in 93+ degree heat.

7/26/10 – The Battle continues . . .

This morning I ran out before work to pick up our 3rd bottle of Rx lotion. One 60 ml bottle last about 2 days. There are areas under her arms that show great improvement and then there are areas around her stomach and waist that show no improvement and to me appear worse. Beth feels the lotion does help (could be mental) and I do notice less scratching in the hours after we apply the lotion. We’ve been applying 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening before bed), and she continues to shower with the pine tar soap. Occasionally she applies gold bond between lotion applications when the itching comes back and it’s too soon for lotion again.

Saturday afternoon she said the itching was horrible and so she gave into the Dandelion root. She’s been avoiding that because it’s not regulated by the FDA and there have been no studies on the medicine. However most blogs I’ve come across list this as the only thing that got rid of the rash and itch. Though most people only list the number of tablets they took a day and not the mg (most taking 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day). Our bottle has 550mg capsules and recommends one a day. I’ve been taking one daily since Friday and have not noticed any changes to me, occasionally more thirsty than before and this is a mild diuretic so that makes sense. I did stop using the pine tar soap because it was drying my skin out.

She’s still optimistic and her spirits are generally good. This was the hottest weekend in Richmond on record so we spent most the time in doors with the AC pumping. She thinks she can hold out till vacation without any problem and says she’s going on vacation no matter what. I think if the rash stays like it is she’ll be fine but I’m worried it is spreading some and may become intolerable. We’re going to talk to the Dr today about taking more Dandelion root and see what he thinks. Beth and I agree it can’t be worse than taking a steroid and she has said she is not going to take that no matter what.

So the Dr didn’t do us any favors with his bedside manner yesterday when he stated “Ew WOW!”, “That looks horrible”, “I can’t even look at it anymore.” Easy big guy don’t do us any favors, as if her hormones aren’t already at an insane level, let’s push some buttons and see if we can set of an atom bomb. Seemed like he had never seen it this bad on someone so the up side is she was handling it pretty well considering it’s the worst our Dr has ever seen. Downside is she really feels ugly now . . .

Doc sent us to a dermatologist and got us in at 9 am this morning. Place was really nice (spa-ish), nurse kicked me out of the room for reasons I’m still not sure of but apparently the Dr thinks we can kick it. She prescribed a stronger lotion (fluocinonide .05%) and wrote a full pound prescription so we should be good for a few days. So now we are to apply the lotion NO MORE than 3 times a day. Stop using the PTS and us a new dove soap (makes sense that a newer soap can do a better job than 1900’s pine tar soap – packaging hasn’t even changed). And use Calax lotion once in the am and Surna as needed for itching. Beth felt great about things; the rash in some areas was already showing signs of fading so this new treatment makes us both optimistic about clearing it up.

Dropped $40 in CVS and left with 3 lbs of lotions, creams, and salves. Hopefully this will do it.

All indications are that she is beating the PUPPP (like it pooped on the rug). The rash is lightening in color all over, her under arm area and belly has almost completely cleared. Thighs, hips and backs of legs to the knee are still reddish in color but are lighter than before. She’s been sleeping through the night with only the two usual bathroom breaks. Itching has severely dropped off, it does appear the ankles and tops of feet are starting to get irritated (not previously an area of concern) but only a few visible bumps at this time.

She felt good enough to go to the Flying Squirrels game last night and didn’t have any problems until near the end. It wasn’t near as hot out as it has been so I know that helped but a week ago regardless of temperature she wouldn’t have sat through an outdoor baseball game.

We go back Thursday and at this rate I expect there will be little or nothing for the Dr. to look at.

PUPPP appears to be gone, no signs of discoloration at all, she looks like a normal pregnant women again. However, her hands and feet now itch . . . this may be a sign that her liver is not handling bile properly. One of the top side effects can be depression and Beth has said several times she feels like crying “for no reason” so we go back Thursday to the dermatologist and the Dr so we should know more then. I’m starting to wonder if we should go sooner. . .

Pregnancy sure can be stressful . . . Cholestasis as it’s called seems like a nasty thing if that is what she has. It can also harm the baby so I’m hoping that isn’t it but only time will tell.

In high school and right after kids get pregnant with no issues and pop them right out, when you hit 30 you go through extra steps just to get pregnant and then the whole time you worry about it. . . how the heck did that happen. Either we’re too dumb to know the risk in our 20’s or we’re over thinking it now . . . more to come on that in 10 years. J

Back from vacation and well rested. Rash is gone or at least out of mind, some lingering itching but nothing serious. We’ve finished most projects around the house but now the furniture is delayed again but they feel certain about the delivery time “this time because it’s on the boat”, what? What boat? Where is said boat? Where is it coming from? Where will it dock? Then what? Customs . . . that should be efficient. Disclaimer to friends and family who have not yet had kids and plan to purchase baby furniture. DO NOT order any furniture from USA BABY ever, disturbingly poor business model. I must say we were warned by others so we figured ordering early as we did we’d be ok. . . WRONG. We ordered Munire furniture sometime in March/April at which time we should expect our furniture in 14 weeks (tops) to arrive July 9th 2010. Sometime in June we were told it wouldn’t be here until August if we wanted to choose something else. Seemed to me that would just start the full process over with a new order so we held on, plus who needs furniture for a kid who’s in the womb for three more months, and Beth wasn’t concerned so why should it bother me. . . .

Got cut short last time. I haven’t handled the furniture debacle cause I know it’s going to make me so angry talking to them but I’m not getting anywhere with my head buried in the sand so I’m gonna have to break down and deal with it soon.

We had a good birthday weekend for Beth. Friday night we went to Acacia, I had a Sunday Paper to start (drink of Whiskey, VSOP, Lemon rind and something else), for appetizers we had an Apple, raisin salad (Beth ate most of it) and pork belly with shitake mushrooms. Both were awesome, then we were surprised with a spicy shrimp app and an oyster app, Beth at the shrimp and I ate the oysters, lucky for me Beth isn’t a fan and I love them. We were stuffed after this but made room for Pan Seared Scallops with Gnocchi (my meal) and two crab cakes (use the term “cake” lightly as there is no filler it is really all crab) with cheddar cheese grits and asparagus. For dessert a Coconut Crème Brule and a glass of Courvoisier, for historical purposes our total was $119.88 before tip and Beth had a night on the town gift cert from Cerner so we only paid $44. Can’t beat that price for the best restaurant in Richmond and maybe in VA.

Saturday I took off Mallory’s bedroom door to shave some of the bottom off so it will close over her rug and took the hardware off to scrape the paint off. Jeff came in town for his fantasy football draft and stopped in with baby car seats, hand me downs and other things. Beth and I joined Windi and Anita at the pool for the afternoon which helped with Beth’s ankle swelling and got us both a little red (no sun screen will do that). Then Sat night we went to The Boathouse at Rockette’s Landing with Trew (Travis and Rew). Great view, decent food (some things better than others) and the cumulative opinion on the atmosphere was cruise ship cafeteria (kinda loud and a big open area with lots of people) but we had a $100 gift cert from Jake and Colleen for Christmas so it was worth what we spent but for the money we’d probably go somewhere else.

Sunday more eating; this time at my parents for Beth’s birthday. Her parents are in Fargo ND, for Donnie’s wedding. Which is interesting since my mother-in-law didn’t want us to go to the beach cause we might have the baby but she didn’t seem worried about missing it by being in ND J j/j Kathy. Anyway both of my Grandma’s were there (we brought Grandma Carlton) and Jake, Colleen, and Caleb came too. Then last night we went to Sweet 95, new dessert place beside Kitchen 64 and had the Baklava sundae which may be one of the greatest things ever tasted, one is plenty for two people but it is heaven in a cup. So needless to say I am stuffed and lethargic today, need Fall soccer to start soon. . .