Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tonight we're going to do a plaster mold of my wife's belly, some may think it's kinda weird but I think it'll be pretty cool. Baby is 37 weeks and 3 days today and based on the size she could be ready any time so we better knock it out tonight or we may miss our opportunity.

We're mid process of refinancing our home to a 20 year loan (vs the current two loans; 80% for 30 years and 15% for 15 years with a ballon payment at the end) and with guidlines so tight these days it has not been easy. My wife and I both have excellent credit scores (over 700) our DTI is also great but even still we have to provide all kinds of info. Funny how 5 years ago they wanted to give us twice as much money with half as much proof. Which explains why the nation is in the trouble it is but that's a long story. Hoepfully we'll get it paid off by the time our daughter is starting college. That would be awesome.

Also signing up to donate our cord blood to a public facility. Private is pricey and since we dont know too much about the benefits, we're going public in hopes we'll get someone else's if ever needed. I'm sure with the medecal advances being made our cord blood will help out someone in need.

Speaking of blood, I gave blood for the first time ever last week. Got light headed at the end but I think I was squeezing the sponge too much which makes the blood flyout into the bag with speed so I was only there for 5 minutes and they had a full bag.

Quick post to get the ball rolling.

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