Thursday, May 17, 2012

Started off ok but quickly deteriorated.  After Breakfast this morning we went up to get ready and there was frequent whining especially whenever Oscar took his Mickey Mouse toy (you refer to as "MINE").  Got you dressed in what I think is a super cute outfit but we'll see what mommy says if you make it through the day in it.  You didn't want shoes on and kept throwing a fit about those and then pulling them off as soon as I walked away.  I got pretty frustrated and had to stand in the stairwell for a min while you cried and whined and while I calmed myself down. 

Started feeding you again and that seemed to help but you wanted to take your plate with you in the car and I wasn't going to let you so you cried until we got half way to school.  Got there and you were in a good mood thought I was in the clear till I turned into your class room to realize neither of your regular teachers (Soryda or Chantelle) were there.

Went to leave and water works again so handed you off and ran out.  Stuck around for a min or so and you were still pretty upset but I didnt go back that would have only made things worse.

I love you kiddo but it sure isn't easy to be a Dad sometimes.

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